Keratoconus is the name for a series of conditions where the cornea at the front of the eye is irregularly shaped.
This often results in compromised vision through spectacles or conventional contact lenses. Major surgery is a last resort and there are many options that can produce an excellent quality of vision despite this condition.
This can be diagnosed and monitored using corneal topography. Every one of our eye examinations incorporates topography as a screening tool to detect keratoconus in its earliest of stages. If treated early then progression is often slower.
There are minor surgical/implant procedures that can be effective in slowing down the progression of the condition. We can advise whether this may be of benefit and refer you to a specialist who can discuss this with you.
Often in very early Keratoconus a spectacle correction can be sufficient (usually due to developing astigmatism). When vision is no longer considered acceptable with spectacles or conventional contact lenses then there are many types of contact lenses that can provide an excellent level of vision without the need for surgery.
We are proud to be one of only a handful of practices in the UK to offer EyePrint lenses. These contact lenses are completely tailor made based on an impression of the front of your eyes, taken in our clinic.
We also utilise the Eaglet ESP to analyse the profile of the front of the eye. This allows mapping of the cornea and surrounding tissue to get a more accurate map of the shape of the eye and in doing so get a better fitting lens than we would do through conventional fitting sets, and achieve it with fewer visits.